Founded in March 2020 as an emergency response to the pandemic by Dr. Shazwan Sahabudeen, Healthcare Advisor, and Ms. Julie Das, Educator & Humanitarian worker, Greater Action is a non-profit social organization run by a team of committed volunteers.

We support the livelihood of Afghan refugee women, which involves implementing comprehensive programs that address their unique challenges and provide opportunities for economic independence. i.e., skills training, access to education, baby donation support, healthcare services, advocacy, language and cultural education, self-care and well-being, and continued learning opportunities. By implementing these strategies, we contribute to refugee women's economic empowerment and well-being, helping them rebuild their lives and contribute meaningfully to their communities.

*The numbers referenced in the video is from the year 2022.

Our Values

Compassion, Inclusion and Solidarity

Our Mission

Our mission is to improve the lives and the welfare of the most vulnerable refugee families forced to flee their homeland by supporting them with quality education, sustainable livelihood opportunities, and much-needed general and mental healthcare.

Our Vision

To create a dynamic community of self sufficient and skilled refugees who are strong mentally and well prepared for their resettlement to a third country

Together, We Create Greater Action.

Our Incredible Team who Makes Things happen!

We can not do this without you! Got compassion, talent, and a heart to give back? 

Reach out to discover YOUR special volunteer role at GA! 

Recognized by UNHCR

Greater Action is recognized as an non-governmental organization providing services to persons of concern to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees(UNHCR).

Our Partners